Sorry, oops…
SorryOps is a program for assistance in solving tests on the ORIOKS platform.
THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. You should not use the program as a lifeline from expulsion. If you do not study the material, you will fail the exam.
Bookmarklet is a bookmark in browser which runs the code. Instead of https://…
link the javascript:…
snippet is saved. Only the function of displaying the answer numbers provided by the ORIOCS system works.
Bookmark the link. To make the numbers appear you need to open the link from the bookmarks panel.
javascript:document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]').forEach(function(e){var s=document.createElement("span");s.innerHTML=(e.type=="radio"&&e.value==="1"?"<b>"+e.value+")</b> ":e.value+") ");e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e.parentNode.firstChild)});
An advanced but at the same time very powerful option. I recommend using this one, since even the installation process is much simpler.
For installation, you will need the Tampermonkey extension (PC and Android) or FREE Browser (Android). Install the script from the page on Greasy Fork. You're up!
To support cloud responses, you need to enter the server address in the settings.
How to use
Old live demo
Answers calculated using others' reports are downloaded from the server. Incorrect answers are highlighted in red, correct answers in green. At the end of the test, a report is sent to the server to help in finding the correct answers.
Selects the first answer according to the ORIOKS system values. This is useful on tests where the first answer choice is always correct.
Selects a random answer(s) so that there is at least a probability that it is correct. To do this, the database for a particular question is downloaded from the server. If incorrect answers have been downloaded, they will not be selected. If a correct answer has been downloaded, it will be selected.
Answer display option
ORIOKS - standard answer numbering. Sorry - numbering of responses which uses letters to avoid confusion and which is calculated directly by the script.
Freeze and hide timer
Dangerous option. Teachers can judge the time to pass the test by looking at that useless local timer, which resets when the page reloads or the question changes. The script exactly freezes the timer, increasing the time 10⁹⁹⁹⁹ times, rather than reloading the page.
So far, only Enter to press continue with skip confirmations works.
Autocontinue and autorestart
Two dangerous options that are disabled an hour after being enabled. Helps to fully automate report collection on tests with an infinite number of attempts. It is recommended to run only one test at a time to send reports.